
"Bloodring" by Faith Hunter

In a post-apocalyptic world, mages are registered and separated from society in gilded cages of servitude and regulations. Thorn St. Croix, however, is on her own and living in hiding within a small mountain town. Until the disappearance of her ex-husband draws unwanted attention her way. Faith Hunter's world is a freshly unique one -- life after Revelations, where technology is on the fritz, humanity has been culled, and angels rule the world. Navigating this world can be confusing as Hunter tries to provide history and backstory without slowing down the plot. The effort is worthwhile, though, for an unusual sotry that blends desolation with innovation. And while the religious tones were a little heavy for a heathen like me, there's always something exciting and fearsome about angels -- especially hunky ones -- and I was pulled right in. I have every intention of picking up the rest of this series in the near future.

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